Welcome to


( formerly known as UserFlow )

A visual analytics interface for educators to support exploration of usage patterns in learning material. Here is a quick overview.

View the full overview and demo video of LearnerFlow Dashboard now !!!

The source code for the annotation plaform and the dashboard can be accessed from GitHub.


Dashboard Widgets

1-2-3 : Filter Panel: Date Range, Student & Annotation Filter
4 : Flow View 5: Minimap View
6: Matrix View 7: Annotation Listing

Filter Panel

Interactive filtering mechanisms that allow the exploration of the massive amount of interactions data as well as focusing into particular user segments of interest.

Exploring Annotations

Text View provides a conventional presentation of annotation listing and is linked to the MiniMap View. It also shows important attributes such as the author of the annotation, timestamp, annotation text/message, module reference as well as the annotation category.

Matrix View

The matrix diagram is a major analytical component and shares the same horizontal module axis with the Minimap. It shows engagement dynamics of different user groups and allows simultaneous comparison of annotations and reading time.

Flow View

Uses a sankey diagram to provide macroscopic overview of student trajectory in the syllabi. Each node or rectangle represents a learning module and the arc represents the trajectory followed by the students. It allows investigation of intented and untended navigation sequences.

Stressed Modules

"Stressed" modules are those modules which have large number of unintended flows. The Flow View allows educators to understand where the students came from (module) and where they went to, that could help explain certain behaviour students may exhibit in that module.

Specific use-cases that LearnerFlow can support:

  1. Student Challenge and Difficulty: Identify modules where students are having difficulty in.
  2. Content Presentation: Identify issues around the structure or sequence of topics.
  3. Student Engagement: Identify modules which students are readinging vs not reading
  4. Content Adequacy: Identify if material is comprehensive/complete, errata, and cues of redundant content.